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For over 30 years, Financial Advisor, Dan Allen of Fergus, Ontario, has helped professionals, business owners, people preparing for retirement, and retirees create their retirement income by making the most of their financial resources and avoiding the big financial mistakes.

Professionals & Business Owners

Dan helps business owners - including farmers and self-employed professionals - put their business to work for them.


Preparing for Retirement

The 10-15 years prior to retirement can be some of the most enjoyable but demanding on your time and financial resources. Dan can help make this transition easier and efficient!



Dan can work with you over the long-term and short-term to build your nest-egg, protect it and devise tax strategies once you've retired.


Serving Wellington County & Waterloo Region

This is a uniquely successful part of Canada that’s a pleasure to live and play in. 

With its strong agricultural heritage developing into a broadly diversified and progressive economy, Wellington County and Waterloo Region is rich in business opportunity and lifestyle choice. It has become a model for other communities with its access to learning institutions, various employment sectors and recreational facilities.

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